Theatre is a dynamic, collaborative and live art form. It is a practical subject that encourages discovery through experimentation, underpinned by a strong theoretical base. It provides students the opportunity to explore the art form through an inquiry cycle focusing on the dimensions of inquiry, development, presentation and evaluation, as creators, designers, directors and performers working individually and as part of an ensemble. Through a critical analysis of their own processes, artistic works and the work of others, students develop an appreciation of the diversity of theatre practices across time, place and culture, an appreciation which in turn informs their own cultural context
Throughout the course, the dimensions of theatre in context, theatre process and presenting theatre are established. Formative tasks, which practice skills essential to summative tasks in the Higher Level Diploma Program, are undertaken leading to production based outcomes.
The IB theatre course enables learners to:
Experience and participate in a wide and varied range of theatre activities and develop proficiency in theatre techniques
Become familiar with forms of theatre from their own and different cultures
Explore different theatre traditions in their historical contexts
Develop academic skills appropriate for the study and understanding of theatre
Become reflective and critical practitioners in theatre
Develop the confidence to explore, to experiment and to work individually and collaboratively on innovative contemporary theatre projects
Understand the dynamic, holistic and evolving nature of theatre.
By the end of their 3 year journey students will achieve the following learning outcomes:
Demonstrate a theoretical and practical knowledge of theatrical traditions
Demonstrate an understanding of production elements and theatre practices
Evaluate critically a range of diverse performances
Engage practically in creating and presenting performances
Reflect on their own development in theatre through continual self-evaluation and recording
Demonstrate an ability to interpret play texts and other types of performance texts
Demonstrate initiative and perseverance in both individual and group projects.
IB Diploma Assessment
Research Presentation
| Students at SL and HL plan, deliver and video record an individual research presentation (15 minutes maximum) in which they provide evidence of their academic and practical exploration and learning of a world theatre tradition they have not previously studied. | 20% |
Production Proposal
| Students at SL and HL choose a published play text they have not previously studied and formulate a vision for the design and theoretical staging of the entire play text for an audience. These ideas are presented in the form of a proposal. | 20% |
Collaborative Project
| Students at SL and HL collaboratively create and perform an original piece of theatre (lasting 7–10 minutes maximum) created from a starting point of their choice. The piece is presented to an audience as a fully-realized production. | 25% |
Solo Theatre Piece
| Students at HL research a theatre theorist they have not previously studied, identify an aspect(s) of theory and create and present a solo theatre piece (lasting 4–7 minutes maximum) that demonstrates the practical application of this theory to a theatre piece for an audience. | 35% |