


The Year 10 Maths program aims to ensure that students:

  • Are confident, creative users and communicators of mathematics, able to investigate, represent and interpret situations in their personal and work lives and as active citizens

  • Develop increasingly sophisticated understanding of mathematical concepts and fluency with processes, able to pose and solve problems and reason in number and algebra; measurement and geometry; statistics and probability

  • Recognise connections between the areas of mathematics and other disciplines and appreciate mathematics as an accessible and enjoyable discipline to study.

These aims support the learning outcomes of the IB Mathematics programs. The aims prepare students for the IB Diploma by:

  • Producing a working knowledge of mathematical concepts across varying topics in mathematics in order to solve concrete mathematical problems

  • Enabling a student to choose appropriate mathematical model/s to assist in solving real life dilemma

  • Using mathematics to clarify, confirm, and adjust understanding of modern society

  • Extending the use of concrete knowledge of mathematical procedures in order to begin to solve abstract and unfamiliar mathematical problems.

Students will choose either:

When students commence in Year 10 they will study Mathematics as their Group 5 subject.

This course is designed to enable all students to acquire prerequisite skills, methodologies and understandings for the IB Diploma Mathematics Course.

  • Mathematics Analysis and Approaches (SL / HL)

  • Mathematics Applications and Interpretation (SL)

Which level do I choose?

Applications and Interpretations SL

For students interested in social sciences, natural sciences, statistics, business, psychology and design. This course recognises the increasing role that mathematics and technology play in a diverse range of fields in a data-rich world.


Paper 1
Calculator 1 hour 30 mins
Paper 2
Calculator 1 hour 30 mins

Analysis and Approaches SL / HL

For students interested in mathematics, engineering, physical sciences and some economics. This course recognises the need for analytical expertise in a world where innovation is increasingly dependent on a deep understanding of mathematics.

In standard level, students should be comfortable in the manipulation of algebraic expressions and enjoy the recognition of patterns and understand the mathematical generalisation of these patterns.

In higher level, students will have strong algebraic skills and the ability to understand simple proof. They will be students who enjoy spending time with problems and get pleasure and satisfaction from solving challenging problems.


Standard Level
Higher Level
Paper 1
No Calculator
1 hour 30 mins
Paper 1
No Calculator
2 hours
Paper 2
1 hour 30 mins
Paper 2
2 hours
Paper 3
1 Hour

Last reviewed 29 May 2023
Last updated 29 May 2023