Bachelor of Midwifery | Australian Catholic University
Law (Honours) and the Arts | Australian National University
Bachelor of Astrophysics | Australian National University
Bachelor of Science & Visual Art | Australian National University
Bachelor of Nursing | Griffith University
Bachelor of Acting | Griffith University |
Bachlor of Film and Screen Media | Griffith University |
Bachelor of Visual Art | Griffith University |
Bachelor of Fine Arts | Griffith University |
Bachelor of Film | Griffith University |
Bachelor of Law, Criminology
| Monash University
Professional Contemporary Dance | New Zealand School of Dance |
Bachelor of Creative Arts, Bachelor of Law
Bachelor of Pyschology and Law | QUT |
Bachelor of Communications in Journalism | QUT |
Bachelor of Film and Law | QUT |
Bachelor of Nursing | QUT |
Bachelor of Psychology | QUT |
Bachelor of Finance | QUT |
Business and Creative Industries
| QUT |
Design Visual Communication | QUT |
Dance | Qld College of Dance |
Media, Arts and Science | Sogang University, Korea |
Bchelor of Science & Master of Engineering | University of Melbourne
Bachelor of Arts | University of Melbourne |
Bachelor of Law and Social Sciences | University of New South Wales
Bachelor of Psychological Science (honours) | University of Queensland
Bachelor of Engineering | University of Queensland
Bachelor of Music Composition and Bachelor of Science | University of Queensland
Doctor of Medicine | University of Queensland
Bachelor of Journalism and Arts | University of Queensland
Bachelor of Advanced Science | University of Queensland
Bachelor of Science (Physics) and Arts (Language & Literature) | University of Queensland
Bachelor of Law and the Arts | University of Queensland
Bachelor of Pharmacy | University of Queensland
Bachelor of Science | University of Queensland
Bachelor of Advanced Finance and Economics | University of Queensland
Bachelor of Journalism and International Relations | University of Queensland
Bachelor of Siomedical science | University of Queensland
Bachelor of Design | University of Queensland
Bachelor of Arts (Acting) | University of Queensland
Bachelor of Business Management | University of Queensland
Bachelor of Biomedical Science and Dentistry | University of Queensland
Bachelor of Medical Science | University of Sydney |
Bachelor of Journalism and International Studies | University of Technology Sydney |
Bachelor of Arts (Dance)