Valentine's Day at QACI is back!
For our new Grade 10 flock, welcome to your first official celebration at QACI - and for our Grade 11s, 12s, teachers and family members, don't worry, I haven't forgotten you either - welcome back, and Happy Valentine's Day!
I spoke last year about the massive flow of love and occasional crazy that is Valentine's Day here, but for those of you who may have missed it, are new, or just want a refresh, let me catch you up.

As a Grade 11, I knew about the “warm and fuzzy" bags decorating every locker (within which sweet notes, anonymous or addressed, are left from everyone wishing to spread some love this festive time - something that works solely because of our community and kindness-centric goals). With previous knowledge of this, alongside the popular classroom serenades, hug cam, photo opportunities, and hearts-flowers-stars-messages adorning every corner, I walked into a pink flood of accessorised students wholeheartedly believing today would feel normal, perhaps even lacking in the sparkle it had possessed for me as a new student.
Boy, was I mistaken - one major life lesson? Never underestimate QACI spirit.
The Grade 12s handing out bucketfuls of candy and smiles, 11s running around with digi-cams and providing pictures for everyone, and 10s enveloping the spirit contradicted this without a single word necessary.

And I'm going to let you in on a little secret here - I ended the day completely tearing up. I speak for our cohort (but without fear, generalise for the entire school) that we students are quite open with our emotions - you'll see friends holding hands and yelling “I love you!" as goodbyes more times than you can count. Yet, I still found myself utterly overwhelmed by the sheer affection in the warm and fuzzies, and in the day itself.
It is my hope that everyone felt the QACI love this Valentine's Day, whether that be platonic or romantic, and that they continue to feel this love throughout the entire QACI journey.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Written by Natalie, Grade 11 (QACI Media Team)