Queensland Health funds a School-Based Youth Health Nurse Program in Queensland state schools.
What does a nurse do?
These nurses work collaboratively within the school community by:
providing support for the school curriculum, teaching and learning activities
supporting the planning, implementation and evaluation of health promotion activities
supporting the development of partnerships with relevant government and non-government agencies, and community members
supporting the development of a healthy school environment and ethos
providing advice and information about health education resources, including relevant Queensland Health policies and programs, and facilitating health related teacher in-service
advocating on behalf of young people on issues affecting their health and well-being
providing individual health consultations for students, parents and members of the school community.
Our school-based nurse is available on Tuesdays for confidential health consultations. If students have any inquiries about their physical and mental health, nutrition advice, relationships with peers, family or partners, appointments can be made with the School Nurse by contacting Sbyhn.QACI@health.qld.gov.au