My name is Sarah McCreanor (though fellow geese call me Smac) and I graduated in 2009, making me part o
f the original cohort! I was one of the lucky ducks, geese, to walk through QACI’s opening doors, to a small, humble yet very promising community of eager talent.
Though I was a little clueless on what I was getting myself into, I have my dear friend Alex Mitchell to thank for pushing me into the initial QACI exam/audition. With a stroke of luck I was accepted on a rather unusual dance routine, so it came to my surprise when I later discovered that Dance wasn’t actually an offered subject (not at the time!). Alas, I was excited to be a part of something new, creative and challenging!
As part of my IB studies I majored in Theatre and Visual Arts. The amount of knowledge and experience I took away from these studies is richer than the winner of last Saturday night’s lotto. I’ve applied it all to my career, particularly how we were taught to create our own work and manage ourselves as artists. Being proactive in this field is key!
After QACI I had a quick stint at QUT in Visual Arts before landing a traveling job as an actress/acrobat in a theatre show. It was an unexpected world adventure that wrapped in Los Angeles, California. So there I was, in Hollywood with a valid artists VISA and suitcase. I took the train to a talent agency, introduced myself as the 'girl who was in that show that someone from your office saw last night' and walked out as their newest client. Almost 5yrs later, I’m still here and absolutely having a blast!
I had no expectations, no bullet proof plan and no worries. I used what I learnt from QACI, established myself, worked on my brand and my craft and took on the challenge of the struggling artist, half a world away from my loved ones.
At this point in my career I can say I am really proud of myself, it was a fearless move that proved worthwhile. It’s been full of self and creative development, and I’ve been graced with great opportunity thus far. Still, I’m not one to have a solid plan, which is okay! I often find myself being greedy saying I want to do it all! So I guess that’s where I am now. Focussing on acting, dance and photography… and eating a lot of taco’s but that’s irrelevant.
If I had any advice for future, current or potential QACI students, I’d say absorb as much as you can! Most importantly, as cliché as this sounds, enjoy it. You’ll be surrounded by brilliant likeminded peers that’ll become lifelong creative partners. And lastly, don’t worry too much. A phrase I often use amongst my American colleagues, with a thick Aussie accent, 'no worries mate'. External link
Instagram: @smac.mccreanor
Photography: @smac.snaps
Some initiatives I’ve worked on include:
Dreamworks 'How to Train Your Dragon' Live Tour
Fear the Walking Dead
Disney Channel, Jesse
Apple commercial
Australian OPTUS commercial
Australian ING commercial
ASICS international campaign
Kanye West dancer
Toyota/Chrysler commercial
Music Videos: Nicki Minaj, Fergie, Incubus, Tigerlily, Walk Off The Earth, Logic
Sleep Number commercial
Ultimate Ears international campaign
Jimmy Kimmel dancer