


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Department of Education Trading as Education Queensland International, CRICOS Provider Code: 00608A

Queensland Academies Creative Industries (QACI) is an Education Queensland selective entry co-educational senior state high school for students in Years 10 to 12.

Students study:

  • an Education Queensland Curriculum extension program that prepares students for the International Baccalaureate Program for both domestic and international enrolments in Year 10, and

  • the IB Diploma Programme for both domestic and international enrolments in Years 11 and 12.

International student applications are only accepted to commence enrolment into Term 1 Year 10.  All students must complete Year 10 with us, in preparation for completing the IB Diploma Programme in Years 11 and 12.

We are excited to open up opportunities for international students to join our vibrant community and expand our global connections. All of our students study the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP), a rigorous learning and assessment program recognised globally, providing access to the world's leading universities. We also believe our community members will benefit and gain enrichment from the homestay exchange experience.

Our campus has the capacity to enrol a total of 519 students in Years 10, 11 and 12.

Locally, students benefit from unique partnerships with the Queensland University of Technology, the University of Queensland and Griffith University to provide a seamless transition between senior school and university for highly capable students. Students and staff engage in strong research-based models of learning and teaching in collaboration with university and industry partners.

Each student at QACI is offered an integrated, parallel support structure to foster a sense of belonging that supports, encourages and celebrates success. Our teachers, and other support staff, work closely with students in small groups and in one on one mentoring to ensure students balance the challenges of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme with other pursuits. This is further supported by our Principal, Mr Gavin Bryce who personally manages and monitors the welfare arrangements for any international students enrolled at QACI who are not under the direct care and supervision of their parents or a close family relatives.

Detailed information for International students considering applying for a place at our campus can be found:

Please visit the international homestay page if you are interested in becoming an Education Queensland International homestay host.

Apply to QACI

Application Process for International Students

All students seeking enrolment into QACI must undertake a selective-entry application process. Students must demonstrate strong performance in each of the components of the application process (Academic Reports, Entrance Exam and Interview) and be assessed as the most suitable candidate for a vacancy. Highly capable students with a record of strong academic performance are welcome to apply.

  • ​Before lodging an application directly to Queensland Academies, an international student or temporary resident must first contact DoE International (trading as Education Queensland International - EQI), and may first need to submit an EQI Application. 
  • Any applicant or enrolled student who is not an Australian Citizen, New Zealand Citizen or Australian Permanent Resident must ensure that:

    • they hold and maintain a valid and appropriate visa for the duration of their studies (i.e. until at least the December of the year of Year 12 Graduation)
    • current visa details are provided with the application and, if successful, on enrolment
    • any changes to visa details are provided to Queensland Academies within 48 hours of the change
    • Queensland Academies is not able to provide visa advice or assistance.  Contact EQI and the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs for assistance.

The application process for an international student is therefore:

  1. Contact Education Queensland International.  Complete an EQI Application if advised to do so by Education Queensland International. 
  2. EQI will inform Queensland Academies when you have an approved EQI application.
  3. Queensland Academies will then contact you and invite you to submit an application directly to Queensland Academies


  • The Queensland Academies application fee is currently $250, which includes the on-campus Edu-test Entrance Exam.  If you need to sit the Entrance Exam remotely (interstate or overseas), Edutest has a Remote Testing Service for an additional fee: refer to Edutest's Remote Testing Service eligibility before you lodge your application.
  • Tuition fees: See the EQI website for international student fees
  • Non-tuition fees: Like any state school, students are required to meet their own uniform and equipment costs which are comparable to other state schools.  
    • IB Approved Calculator - approximately $200
    • Approved Laptop (refer to the BYOD page​)
    • Stationery: Prior to the end of the school year students and parents will receive a stationery list, presented by subject. It is the responsibility of families to ensure students are equipped for learning
    • Uniforms: Students attending QACI are required to purchase and wear the correct uniform​.

International Program staff

General information for international students about studying in Queensland State Secondary Schools can be found on the Education Queensland International website or families can make contact via email:

We invite you to become part of our international community. Please feel free to email our admissions office if you have any further questions.

At QACI, our international staff are dedicated to providing our international students with the best possible experience during their time with us.

Contact information

At Queensland Academies, our international staff are dedicated to providing our international students with the best possible experience during their time with us.

Admissions Office Phone Number: +61 7 3377 9366
Admissions and Homestay Coordinator: Cathryn Sarjito

International Student Coordinator, QACI: Pam Govender +61 7 3552 9333.

1800QSTUDY - (1800 778 839)

Emergency and Out of Hours Contact Support

The 1800QSTUDY service provides support for students and their authorised contacts and Education Queensland International (EQI) homestay hosts, and responds to incidents that involve international students outside school hours.

For more information read the 1800QSTUDY Brochure or visit the 1800QSTUDY website.


Last reviewed 25 February 2025
Last updated 25 February 2025